State of Washington to Increase Transparency and Improve Quality of Care with New Statewide APCD

October 2016 -- The State of Washington Office of Financial Management (OFM) announced in July 2016 that it has selected Onpoint and its partners – the Center for Health Systems Effectiveness (CHSE) at Oregon Health & Science University and Forum One – as the state’s new contractors to develop and operate the Washington All-Payer Health Care Claims Database. The project, signed into House Bill 2572 in April 2014 and amended into Senate Bill 5084 by Governor Jay Inslee in May 2015, aims to increase transparency and improve quality in healthcare for all Washingtonians by systematically collecting enrollment, claims, and provider data from all public and private payers operating in the state.
Onpoint, CHSE, and Forum One are excited to support OFM in the implementation and operation of the Washington All-Payer Health Care Claims Database (WA APCD) program. In our role as data vendor, Onpoint will be responsible for collecting, integrating, and enhancing the WA APCD data. Onpoint will also be generating the Washington State Common Measures Set for Health Care Quality & Cost and developing a series of public transparency reporting products that will be available through a new consumer website. Delivering the analytic products called for by the state will require the implementation of a provider-to-practice roster, the attribution of patients to providers, the application of multiple groupers (diagnosis, procedure, episode, risk-scoring, etc.), and the linkage and integration of additional non-claims data sources. Self-funded plans will supply data voluntarily to the initiative.
CHSE, whose renowned healthcare research focuses on finding better ways to deliver healthcare through the effective use of data, will serve as the project’s lead organization, providing key oversight of the project and spearheading the drafting and implementation of a sustainability plan to maintain the WA APCD after the conclusion of its grant-support implementation phase. Forum One, a digital agency with extensive experience in the design and deployment of health data websites for influential organizations, nonprofits, and government agencies, will lead the project’s branding, website development, and marketing activities.
Together, our team is charged with helping the state realize its vision for the WA APCD as a transparent and easily accessible resource that empowers consumers, providers, and insurance carriers alike to transform how healthcare is delivered in Washington by enabling high-value choices.
Click here for the full press release from the State of Washington Office of Financial Management.